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Fiberboard of TC grade, gr.A, hard (3,2х1700х2745)
Hard fiberboard is a sheet wood material manufactured by chopping and splitting of wood into a fibrous pulp that is further cast into boards, pressed and dried.
For pieces that will be visible, a special coating is often glued onto fiberboard to give it an aesthetic appearance.
The field of application of fiberboards is very wide from housing construction and furniture manufacturing to domestic demands.
Marking of Fiberboards
Hard fiberboards are divided into the following grades:
T — hard fiberboards with uncoated front face
T-C — hard fiberboards with a face layer of fine wood-pulp
T-П — hard fiberboards with a stained face layer
T-CП — hard fiberboards with a stained face layer of fine wood-pulp
CT — super hard fiberboards (hard fireboards of higher strength characteristics) with uncoated front face
CT-C — hard fiberboards of higher strength characteristics ( super hard ) with face layer of fine wood-pulp.
According to their physical-mechanical properties fiberboards of Т, Т-С,Т-П,Т-СП grades are divided into quality groups A and B.